Based on the meticulous planning of the back land area of Yantian Port to mould the distinctive features of port city which is adaptable to the big international container transshipment port. 通过对盐田港后方陆域的精心规划,塑造与集装箱国际中转大港相配套,并具有特色的港城风貌。
Ningbo port, identified as one of the four international deepwater transshipment ports in china's mainland given priority in development and construction, is an important part of Shanghai International Shipping Center. 宁波港是我国大陆沿海重点开发建设的四大国际深水中转港之一,具有全球意义的深水港湾和航道资源,是上海国际航运中心的重要组成部分,具有得天独厚的地理优势。
The paper discusses the problem of free trade zone policy and development of international logistics in port, shows the good effects of the performance of free trade zone policy on constructing international logistic hub, strengthening transshipment function of a port and competitive advantage for the port enterprise. 本文就自由贸易区政策与国际港口物流发展问题进行了探讨;指出实施自由贸易区政策对国际物流枢纽港建设、增强港口物流中转功能和提高港口企业的国际竞争力有强大的推进作用。